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What rocks your stride?

#rockyourstride - my hashtag, my heart, my motivation, my mantra. Let me tell you what these words mean to me.

It can take time (and by time I mean years) to find out what it is that fuels your soul. This fuel may be creating art, playing an instrument, fitness, cooking, reading, volunteering, spending time with someone, or maybe spending time alone. Now, when you think you have found your soul fuel, EMBRACE it. You owe it to yourself to make time for it. Do NOT ever feel guilty for taking time for you, or that you should be putting your time in elsewhere. I can 99.97% promise you, that if you make time for it you will give of yourself much more full-heartedly in every other area of your life. Now... if you are reading this thinking that you have spent most of your life searching for something that fills you up with joy, don't give up. Try new things. Be okay with not being the best at it, and "never (EVER) compare your chapter one with someone else's chapter twenty" (etchrock).

I feel an incredible amounts of blessed to have found what fuels my soul at quite a young age. Running started as something to help me maintain a healthy body weight, and it turned into something that drives me in many areas of my life. No, I do not have to run marathons to stay physically healthy. However, I have discovered it is something that helps me stay soul-happy (aka... it completely and unconditionally rocks my stride)!! Let me explain more:

... Since I started marathon running, my workouts have become unquestionably more consistent and efficient. I train with a purpose, and put everything I physically can into it. After any run (even if I felt it was a weak one), I feel closer to achieving my goal. I feel accomplished and I feel proud.

... Since I started marathon running, my faith has grown exponentially. I spend many moments of my runs in prayer and reflection.

... Since I started marathon running, I have become so much better with my time. Yes, I plan much of my day around my runs, and I am completly okay with this. In doing so, I have started to find a balance in this beautiful journey of life. I love my career more than words, but majorly long work days are not healthy for anyone. Running is my recharge, and having a fitness routine forces me to use my time spent working much more wisely.

... Since I started marathon running, I have come to realize what I am capable of. I have learned that my body and mind are stronger than I ever knew. Running makes me feel empowered.

... Since I started marathon running, I have come to feel so much human connection with people that I have never met, and will maybe never converse with. I am always amazed at the energy, love, and compassion shared by runners during training and on race days. Please read my "Races" tab for stories. David Willey from Runner's World magazine quotes, "The most powerful feeling I get at races - from gigantic marathons to Firecracker 5Ks - is the sense of being among people who feel much the way I feel about life, and who are about to embark on the same challenge. There are no strangers on the starting line, just fellow runners who haven't met yet."

... Since I started marathon running, I have realized I have 2 types of clothes. Work clothes and workout gear. It often causes for a minor internal hissy fits when it comes to going for supper or out with friends, as I feel like I have nothing to wear. HOWEVER, I wouldn't have it any other way . 43/48 times I'll choose a new Under Armour outfit over anything else. Why? It makes me PUMPED to try it out training, and I spend more free time in my runners than anywhere else.

... Since I have started marathon running, I have found what fuels my soul. I have found what rocks my stride.

Try new things. Try running (and if you do, I recommend trying a race :D)! Try a new recipe... it could be the best or most awful thing to ever enter your mouth. Try going for coffee on your own... even if you have to get up 30 minutes earlier (it could be the calm you need). Go explore; you never know what is going to #rockyourstride.

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