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What I've Learned and What I am Learning...

One of my most favourite things is talking to others about training, races, goals, experiences, and snagging any knowledge that I can along the way. I am the massage and chiropractor client with one-million-and-one questions. I love learning about anything that will help me become a stronger and healthier athlete. Throughout my endurance journey so far there are a handful of things that I have learned, and more than a handful more that I am still learning...



1. Hire a coach... this has made the BIGGEST difference for me. I never thought that the "investment" in myself was worth it because I am an amateur. It has been BEYOND worth it. I have grown and learned so much, I feel confident in my training and my program, and it takes a lot of the brain work and questioning out of what I am doing. Plus... how awesome is it to have someone with the knowledge and drive to support you every single day? SO AWESOME!

2. From my coach I learned that I DO NOT have to run 5-6 days a week to be a strong runner! When I first started working with Levi my runs went down to about 3 times a week. I thought oh mannnnn I am going to get out of "running shape." Truth be told, I am a stronger, pain free runner with less running!! Who knew?

3. HOW IMPORTANT ELECTROLYTES ARE!! This is a game changer and a HUGE help for my tiny bladder!! With just having other sports drinks or water, my body was actually dehydrating itself. I always have 1 nuun during a workout, and 1 nuun throughout the day!! I choose nuun because it is basic and sits perfect in my stomach, it is not too sweet, and it has magnesium to help with muscle relaxation *bonus!*

4. The nutrition that works for one person may not work at all for another. I have been try, try, trying to figure this piece out. I think I have got it down to rice balls that work for me best (cooked with salt and vinegar). I will keep experimenting in this department. So, I suppose that it is only "half learned." :)

5. It is possible to start loving something you once did not love at all! For me this is specifically swimming! I truly have surprised my soul that I am starting to find joy and feel motivated with this piece of triathlon.

6. How amazing the internet is!! I have been blessed to connect with teammates and so many other athletes who inspire me and push me every single day.



1. All of the mechanics on my bike. I have epically failed the 2 times I have tried to change my tire, and have no clue at this point in time how to do it on my own. I also have very minimal understanding as to how the gears actually work. ALL OF THIS... I must learn *and soon!*

2. That time management is a real thing. I want to maintain the strong friendships that I have, and I want my friends to know the love I have for them (and their support while I figure out this time management piece); I would love nothing more than to full-heartedly have a partner in crime to share life's adventures with; I want to be present in my family's life; I want to be the best teacher I can be; I want my puppies to feel unconditionally loved; I want to spend hours in the kitchen; I want my house to be clean; I want to not miss a beat of this beautiful life... and within this my entire heart and soul is driven to complete an ironman. I think my biggest struggle is to not make anything else feel like #2 to ironman, because it is the farthest from how it is. XO.

3. How to use technology. I honestly can barely set my Garmin properly to go for a run. For any piece that needs to pair or connect, I am looking at spending about 3 hours longer than the average person (I am sure of it) to get it to work. And then when it works, it will probably stop working in about 4 minutes or less. Truly, I do not understand technology. Even more truly, I do not really care to understand it. It is one thing in my life I would be more than happy for someone to just "do for me." (Bad attitude... I know). haha!

4. Tribars... should I get tribars on my bike? I do not know! I don't really feel like purchasing them, but maybe they will be fantastic and a solid investment? Let me tell you... running and triathlon is not as simple as "all you need are runners, a swimsuit, and a bike!"

5. Coming back to time management... I am trying to keep myself feeling like a woman, however I definitely don't feel that I am making myself as "girl-i-fied" as I really like to feel. Let me share Drake's lyric, "hair done, nailz done, everything didddddd!" That's my style. However right now, I am trying to learn some shortcuts and how not to smell like the pool half of the time. *lol*

6. I am continually learning that being an endurance athlete is more about love, support, and outlook than any muscle in my body.

Always grow. Grow all ways. #rockyourstride

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