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True Iron Women

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY, YA’LL!! This is such a special day to celebrate. Outstanding women have surrounded me my entire life, and I have always been amazed by the way a woman can balance gentleness and ferocity. Holding strong values, staying true to oneself, putting in 100%, grit, joy, prayer, limitless skies, relentlessness, love, and support. These are the gifts that the women in my life have blessed me with. It is an honour to have permission from 9 of the most inspirational women in my life to share a part of their story with you. These are the true iron women.


Kathie Eberhart – my MAMA bear!! This sweet lady has taught me a lot of things about a lot of stuff by the way that she lives her life. My mum cares deeply about every single human around her, and she will share any possible resource that she has to help anyone in anyway that they need. If you know my mum, you know that I am 0% exaggerating when I say that. In my life whenever I’ve had any aspiration or problem my mum always asks me, “How can I help or support you?” And I know that when she says this, she means it with her whole heart (and she always follows through). Now, along with being a complete angel my mum is also a relentless warrior. I was blessed to grow up watching her run and keep fit (I don’t think my love for running comes without thanks to her being an awesome role model)! Unfortunately about 15+ years ago her leg started to say, “No Thanks!” to essentially any physical activity. Chronic pain stole what brought her so much joy and so much of her lifestyle. 2 years ago she discovered barre classe. Since she walked into that studio, she has dedicated at least 3 days a week to getting stronger every day. It doesn’t matter if she’s going on 3 hours sleep, major work hours, giving crazy amounts of love to her family and friends… she goes. If I’m thinking of skipping a workout for any type of excuse I will tell myself, “Mum would NOT miss barre.” One last thing I need to share that I love so much about my mum, was the gift that she gave me to know that sometimes it is okay to not be okay. HOWEVER – you are allowed a 3 day funk and then you need to start doing something about it before it turns into a cycle or spiral. I love this and I still live by it. I recognize my emotions, but always ask myself “What can I do to get feeling good again?” Okay… one last LAST thing. Thank you mom for teaching me the value of having strong values. I love you.


Selby Quinn!! Passion, commitment, relentlessness, truth – that is what I see this woman live each day. Selby recently stepped back from her career at the Calgary Foodbank where she poured her heart and soul into the community each and every single day. And I have to say – I couldn’t be more proud of her bravery to do this. I am 99.9% confident I would not have the courage to go back to university as an adult to start a new career. Selby has fought through a number of major obstacles that the universe has given her over this last year as she started her university journey towards becoming a social worker. Can I just mention that she fought (and continues to fight) through these challenges and she came out with straight A’s last semester? BAD ASS, right?! I cannot combine into words the blessing that Selby will be to each person and family that she works with in the future. Justice and love – two things Selby will never give up on; and two things that the world needs. In the midst of being committed to the positive future of the world, Selby is president of the International Calgary Burlesque festival, an incredible kitty & puppy auntie, and the best friend or family member one could ever imagine having. Selby, thank you for your leadership in this world to live true to who we are, the beauty of acts of kindness, and the power of love.


Erin Quinn!! GENIUS!! Can I just tell you that I want to go back to middle school so that I can experience a Language Arts class with Erin as my teacher? Since I was in university Erin has been the biggest mentor and inspiration to me of the teacher that I aspire to be. Her students are honestly the LUCKIEST students in all of the lands. LITERALLY if her students are not out exploring in the world, she finds a way to bring the world into the classroom. The curriculum is the opposite of a checklist for Erin. She takes a curriculum and somehow transforms it into PURE MAGIC and joy for her students. Often in conversations with Erin I will be sharing things I would like to do in my classroom, but I have zero percent idea on where to even start to bring it to life. Erin has such a brilliant way to brainstorm ideas and find resources to bring anything to life in the classroom. This is why I say (and mean) GENIUS! Erin’s time, energy, and love for education is not just shared with her students. She will help and support any teacher who is interested in developing as an educator. Erin, witnessing you complete your Maters in Education was incredible. Seeing what you have done with it has been something I cannot even put into words. You are a gift.


Niki Doyle… SUPERWOMAN! Legit. She runs like lightening, is a mum to three incredible daughters, a loving wife, a university professor, a school teacher, vice principal, volunteers in many capacities, and the first thing she will say to you with 100% eye contact and the purest heart is, “How are you doing?” Now, she asks this question without the expectation of the response, “good.” Niki doesn’t ask and then forget. She will follow through, support, love, and care until the end of time (in the midst of having one million other things on the go). I will honestly never know how she does it. I’d just like to take a moment to shout out that Niki is running in the Boston Marathon for the second time this year! And I am going to be honest, unless I told you that you would probably never know. She is the most humble human on this planet, and she gives all of her glory to God. Humble, faith-filled, hardworking, so fierce yet so kind… this is Niki.


Kristin Cockwell. This girl is a real life ninja, and she is kicking butt every single day! Physically - Kristin has had a few knee surgeries, and other physical setbacks but this has never been an excuse for her not to keep her body healthy and strong. Seriously at body pump or yoga it is UNREAL to witness her strength. Now, along with this Kristin is also one of the most resilient women I’ve ever known when it comes to living this life, period. Full stop. To be frank, the trauma that she has experienced is unimaginable. She works each day to overcome it whilst being a rockstar teacher, and working on completing her Masters of Education. Oh, and while doing these things she’s also busy being a best friend to everyone in her life and a Wonder Woman of a puppy mom to her baby Bently *he is seriously the luckiest dog ever!* Kristin is the definition of not giving up, but showing up. She shows up to live each day with compassion, dedication, and the commitment to be there full-heartedly for her family and friends. God bless the woman that you are, girl!


Carmen Reed! This powerhouse athlete welcomed me into Renegade Endurance with the most open heart and arms. Though we have not actually got to meet in human form *yet!* I can only imagine how exciting that day will be, as over this last year she has become one of my biggest inspirations. Carmen is not just a goal setter, but she goes to WERK! Carmen got into running and shared her journey of training for 5km & 10km races – she crushed them! In the midst of her training for a half-marathon, her ankle decided to BREAK at a race in October! OUCH! Oh, guess what? Carmen is fearlessly back at it and just completed her first 5km come back race last weekend. Guess what else? Carmen doesn’t just focus on her own health and fitness, she supports every athlete and human with a goal around her. Carmen, you quite simply put… absolutely ROCK!


Jenn White, another champion I know that followed her heart and went back to school after starting a career. Jenn used to be a bad@ss hair stylist, but trusted her gut and went back to school to start her studies in geology. This wasn’t just one big change that Jenn made in her life; Jenn completely transformed the way that she lived in her life. This transformation came when Jenn was in a car accident just a handful of years ago. Jenn was in the hospital, and had to have a major surgery on her femur after an electrical post literally went through her car and smashed much of her body to bits. This massive physical change to Jenn’s life could have easily made her angry at the world. Angry for the years and years of physio ahead of her, for the fact she would have to put in endless hours of work to ever imagine riding on a snowboard again (note: Jenn and a snowboard are one unit), and for the general setback such an accident could create in ones life. Contrasting – the accident did the absolute opposite in Jenn’s life. Jenn became nothing short of grateful to be alive. She truly sees each day as a gift. She wakes up each morning with a powerhouse attitude, shares her light with the world, works hard at keeping her body and mind strong, and does anything she can to make each person around her feel INCREDIBLE. It doesn’t matter how big or small something is in your life, Jenn is there to support you and endlessly cheer for you. Women supporting women… this is Jenn!


Tarin Podloski – the absolute most non-judgmental, openhearted, giving-of-self woman. Truth time. Tarin and I’s friendship started as some sweet buds who loved to party together! We had some extremely funny moments (one of my favourites being the non-sober pizza we ate together at 4AM where the crust was literally still dough… we didn’t mind. We actually named it “doughy pizza”)! Haha! Now, why do I share this piece of the story? 6 years ago this past January, Tarin celebrated 6 years sober. Wow. Literally can we insert a *hoLLAHH!!* First of all, I cannot even imagine the courage it takes to walk into rehab. Second of all, I cannot even imagine the intentionality, grit, and commitment that it takes to take what you experience and learn in rehab and bring it unwavering into your life. Tarin’s will to overcome an addiction taught me that as humans we are capable of anything that we full-force put our hearts and souls into. How did she teach me this? She lived it. Now, here is one of the so many cool things about Tarin (literally when I think of the definition of a “cool person” I think of Tarin)… she has been to Africa TWICE! Once to volunteer at an orphanage, and once to volunteer at an animal sanctuary. Another cool thing about Tarin that you just need to know is that she understands on the deepest level the importance of human connection. This comes back to her being the most non-judgmental woman. She will give and give and give, and love and love and love no matter who you are. I truly pray that more of us on this earth start to see each other through the eyes of Tarin. Now that would change the world.


Megan Engel. Have you ever met someone who has been on Canadian Idol, is a Woman in Vision, leads her life with pure faith, is a Rhodes Scholar completing her PHd in something you can’t even comprehend, and is the most hilarious human in all of the galaxies ALL at the age of 28? How blessed am I to say that I have. She is my darling angel cousin, and I love her to molecular sized bits. Now, the thing about Megan is that every single one of these moments in her life she has worked for. Growing up I never ever, for one single second saw Megan sit still. She was singing, playing piano, studying, composing, writing, volunteering, praying, entertaining, praying some more, and being hilarious ON REPEAT. Megan quietly sets herself incredible aw-inspiring goals. Literally she will be working on things so outstanding, and you will have no idea until it comes into fruition. And! You won’t even know that that they are in fruition until someone else in the family tells you. I wish I could combine words to explain just the woman that Megan is, but no matter what I would fall short. Megan has lived her life with so much strength in who she is, that it has always encouraged me to live my life with strength in who I am. This is one of the greatest gifts of my lifetime. Megan – your work ethic is fierce, and the way you live your life to share God’s endless love in everything you do is a treasure that sparkles to infinity.


Holding strong values, staying true to oneself, putting in 100%, grit, joy, prayer, limitless skies, relentlessness, love, and support. These are the gifts and inspiration that these 9 women have filled my life with. I am so grateful.

9 unique, fearless, gentle, loving humans. 9 different stories. 1 common amazing ground – women. Thank you to each of you for giving me permission to share the light that you have given to me with just a few more folk. XO BIG LOVE.

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